Newsletter 11/4/2024
From the Principal:
Dear Parents and Carers,
If you had happened to be in our school today (and yesterday) you would have seen a team of exciting parents working together planning, collaborating, problem-solving, imagining, creating and, most importantly, enjoying each other's company and friendship. These parents are excited about what they can do for all of the children in our wonderful school. These parents work hard with us and alongside the school staff to provide canteen services, community-building events for all our families, and like today, fun fundraising activities for the children to be involved in. A community that plays together stays together.
Have a wonderful holiday break and I will see you all back at the start of Term 3!
Principal Movements Term 2
Mr Paul Mannion is returning to our school as Acting Principal for Term 2 while Mary is on leave for the term. Paul is looking forward to seeing everyone again and is excited to be stepping up into the principal role. Please make him feel welcome when you see him.
Kindergarten 2025
Kindergarten numbers are high for next year - if you have a child or know of a child born in 2020 who will be enrolling in our school next year can you please get an enrolment form filled out and back into the office. We have only a handful of places left to fill and do not want anyone to miss out.
ANZAC DAY 25th April:
We would really like to see a great turnout for this event. A booklet was sent home with details.
Student Award Recipients:
Grade 3/4 Easter Liturgy:
Last week, our students returned to school celebrating the joyful season of Easter .
Our Grade 3/4 students lead us beautifully in a Easter liturgy.
"On Sunday morning, I got my friend Mary, and we decided to take a look for ourselves and see what was going on at the tomb. Maybe, we would meet some of our friends who loved Jesus as we did.
When we got to the tomb we heard some very scary news. There had been a violent earthquake and there right on the tomb sat an angel. Oh my goodness, I cannot even describe his appearance. It was as bright as the sun on a sunny day. Even his clothes shone in the sun they were so white.
The guards seemed really frightened. No wonder. I didn’t blame them. The angel told us to not be afraid, and that Jesus was not longer there, he was risen. But that can’t be! His body was placed here in this tomb. I saw them do it.
Mary and I were so frightened that we ran as fast as we could to find the disciples. Maybe they would know something.
We ran for some time, then saw a man standing in the road blocking our path. Who was he, and what did he want? He said, "Peace be with you," At that moment we knew in our hearts this was Jesus. He was different; yet, his presence filled our hearts the moment he said those words of greeting to us.
Our hearts were filled with joy. Jesus then told us to go and tell the disciples that he had risen, and that they were to go to Galilee where they would see him.
He is risen! Everyone should hear this message that Jesus has risen. We will tell everyone we know. This is a secret that must not be kept quiet. Jesus is risen"
Football Holiday Clinic
Back to School Term 2:
Reminder that school resumes on Monday 29th April, full winter uniform is to be worn.
School photos are on Thursday 2nd May, full winter uniform is to be worn.